Practice Videos

Below you can find practice videos for children to work with at home.  Practicing with these videos regularly will help to reinforce steps and keep kids from forgetting!

The video's should be followed in this order. Kids can practice along with the video and then if they are certain they have mastered all of the steps in one video, they can then move on to the next video. We have already had dancers use these videos to advance their step knowledge by learning new steps at home. We encourage everyone to use these videos to keep learning new steps! But only move on to a new dance / step when all the other steps before it have been mastered without mistakes!

Video 1 - Beginner basics class

Video 2 - Easy Slip Jig

Video 3 - Intro to Hard Shoe

Video 4 - Traditional / Fast Hornpipe

Video 5 - St. Patrick's Day

Video 6 - 1st slow/hard Jig step

Once dancers have mastered their 2 steps in the Reel, Light Jig, and Slip Jig they then move on to harder reel steps.  This is usually in the Novice class level but not always.

If your child has mastered all of these soft shoe steps they can move on to the next video for soft shoe which is below:

whip-2-3-4 Lift Front Click

I know many students had already learned this step before the quarantine and were working on the next one, we tried to go over it last night in my novice/PW 1 zoom soft shoe class, but it will be a lot easier to go over and review or learn from the beginning with this video below, so please try to use this video to brush up on this step before next week's class!

whip-2-3-4 Over the Log

Once dancers have mastered the following hard shoe dances they can move on to these new steps! Dancers must first be able to do their 2 steps in fast treble jig, 2 steps in the fast/traditional hornpipe, St. Patrick's Day traditional Set, and the 1st slow treble jig step. When the 1st slow treble jig step is mastered, dancers can move to these videos's below to learn the 2nd slow treble jig and the 3rd slow treble jig!

2nd slow treble jig step

3rd slow treble jig step

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